Issoire (France) ,le 08 & 09/10/2016 (Voice Cats of France)

10/10/2016 09:18

-With Mimosa Emeraude du Bosphore in 3/6 month ,Excellence 1,Best variety , nominated best in show.
-With World Champion Jafar du Bosphore in Honor ,Excellence 1 ,nominated best in show, best in show and best général.
-With European Champion Izzy de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCE . 2° CAGCE and nominated best in show.
-With Mimosa Emeraude du Bosphore in 3/6 month ,Excellence 1,Best variety , nominated best in show ,Best of Breed and 10/32 ring WCF Kitten.
-With World Champion Jafar du Bosphore in Honor ,Excellence 1 ,nominated best in show, best in show and 4° ring WCF neuter..
-With European Champion Izzy de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCE . 3° CAGCE and is GREAD EUROPEAN CHAMPION.