Binche (Belgique) , le 15 & 16/10 2016 (Organisation Féline Belge)
-With Mimosa Emeraude du Bosphore in 6/10 month ,Excellence 1 , nominated best in show.
-With World Champion Jafar du Bosphore in Honor ,Excellence 1 and 4° ring neutre WCF
-With Great European Champion Izzy de l'Empire Ottoman in CACM . 1° CACM.
-With Mirabelle Emeraude du Bosphore in 6/10 month,Exellence 1.
-With IC Lemon Diamond du Bosphore in CAGPI , 3° CAGPI, nominated best in show and GRAND CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL.
With WC Isis de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCI(cursus national) 4° CAGCI, special price, nominated best in show and TRIPLE CHAMPIONNE DE BELGIQUE.
-With Guimauve de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCI(cursus national) 4°CAGCI and TRIPLE CHAMPIONNE DE BELGIQUE.
-With Mimosa Emeraude du Bosphore in 6/10 month ,Excellence 1 ,special Price and nominated best in show.
-With World Champion Jafar du Bosphore in Honor ,Excellence 1 and nominated best in show.
-With Great European Champion Izzy de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCI(cursus international) . 3° CAGCI Special price and nominated best in show.
-With Mirabelle Emeraude du Bosphore in 6/10 month,Exellence 1.
-With GIC Lemon Diamond du Bosphore in CAPE , 1° CAPE, nominated best in show and 5° ring neuter WCF.
With WC Isis de l'Empire Ottoman in CAGCI(cursus national) 5° CAGCI.
-With Guimauve de l'Empire Ottoman in CACE(cursus national) 4°CACE and QUADRUPLE CHAMPIONNE DE BELGIQUE.